Tuesday, February 06, 2007

凤梨卷-送礼装 Pineapple Rolls


Pastry 皮 :
250 g flour 面粉
150 g butter 牛油
30 g icing sugar 糖霜
1 egg yolk 蛋黄
. 5 tsp vanilla essence
2 drops Konniyaku mango colour (optional)

1. Cream the butter (room temp), sugar and egg yolk till smooth
2. add flour and vanilla essence and colour
加入面粉, vanilla essence, 用手弄到好象曲奇dough 3. mix till all combined, NO NEED TO REFRIGERATE可入模做皮,不用放雪柜
3. brush on egg wash, ( if want to have bright colour, add one drop of mango colour into the egg mixture too)


用熟菠萝,刨成一条条碎线,揸汁不要,放肉在窝中炒. 加一支玉桂,冰糖炒至没水, 大概要二,三小时..不停搞。。放凉。。。做波形,放在皮上,卷好,切去多余皮,放上有黄色色素的蛋王汁,烤三十分中,180度...

Brought pineapple rolls for all the web friends in HK and Macau, and so happy that they liked them! Upon their requests, I took down pictures of the making process, hope it can be of help!
** if you make these pineapple rolls in cold weather, you might need to add more butter or alternatively add some canola oil till the dough is pliable and easy to be squeezed out of the mold. It doesn't affect the texture nor the taste. Has been tested in US winter time!


  1. 多謝你的詳細說明,我今個星期會試下做,到時告訴你成果!

  2. 你真的很厲害, 好像每天都有煮很complicated 的食品, 你說你小朋友跟husband 多幸褔, 其實我很想知道是否很多年青媽媽們都和你一樣懂煮那麼多美吃, 還是我真的差勁???!! 因為見到你blog 上的friends 煮食都是 wonderful! 說真哩, 我不太喜歡煮食, 只喜歡吃! 你真的每天花多少時間在煮方面呢? (很想知道啊...因為你實在太厲害了)

  3. Jenny


  4. Amy



  5. 如果不是郵費超貴,收貨時間又長...

  6. Mommy Dearest,



    多謝晒你的解釋,我想問唔落 Vanilla essence 得唔得架!

  7. 藍雨

    Next time I will DHL myself and bring it to you, okay????

  8. 珍妮仔

    Nice to meet you! Wah, you are a CHEF with all the lovely dishes, your 露絲馬利芥未羊扒looks great!

    Anyway, you dont have to add vanilla essence if you prefer not, it doesn't matter. Another point is if you prefer the yellow color (chinese new year), you need to add ONE DROP of mango colouring in the dough for the effect :)

  9. 真係好好味呀...

    呵呵.. 整個餡太費時了.. 我想..還是抄下外層皮皮既recipe 好了..

  10. Cuteypinga

    To cut the time, you can buy the pineapple filling, try for taste and add cinnamon, etc. Save u lots of time and adds your own flavor.

    Wish you happy birthday ahead :) !

  11. 心型好靚呀, 好好味~~

  12. Dear Mommy Dearest,

    So sorry that couldn't meet you this time. Your pineapple rolls really make me mouth watering and thanks for sharing your recipe. Definitely I will try it out soon. :> Yves

  13. 我想點樣可以容易d放個 Jam入去個皮上面!

  14. 嘩!!您好搞笑哦!您連條頸都有麵粉,然後個樣經(支力)! 係米(支力)過返工呀??哈哈。。。。


  15. 想請問你用WHAT KIND OF刨去刨菠蘿,刨完只揸乾汁,只要肉?另外玉桂成支放落去煮,係咪會溶晒?

  16. Hi Bon Bon, saw you at Bea's, :)

    use 刨蘿蔔的刨黎刨菠蘿,刨完揸乾汁,只要肉,不要汁.

    玉桂成支放落去煮,不會溶, cook till the fragrance is how you like, take it out, so the smell won't be too strong.

    Can't type in Chinese as in office. Let me know if there is more questions.

  17. 我整到la,但仲要改進,想分享下:1.皮---舊麵糰包時好易裂,,夠脆,但好似唔夠鬆化,其實焗20mins,0K嗎?因為有D連个餡都乾硬晒?我想咬落軟D,有冇辨法?。2.餡:我炒完一次,以為乾,雪完都小小濕,好似唔夠味(bc0s:我唔敢落太多冰糖)咁再炒時加麥芽糖,,即刻吊到D鳳梨味出來,我下次落多D冰糖再試。比D意見我呀!THANKS!仲要多謝你分享食譜。

  18. 仲有我用一個鳳梨,只能做出30多粒咋!你用新鮮/罐裝?
    and i will try to make 鳳梨酥with this

  19. Bon BOn

    Congratulations! I use fresh pineapples as we have plenty here. Actually as I said before, you can buy store bought and mix with one fresh pineapple , then much less time; adjust the taste yourself, and it should be SWEETER when hot because when cool, it will be less sweet.

    1.皮---舊麵糰包時好易裂,,夠脆,但好似唔夠鬆化,其實焗20mins,0K嗎? in every batch, add one tbsp of milk powder, that will make it more 鬆化, but not everyone likes this taste, try one and see. how long to 焗 depends on your oven temperature, you look at the colour of tart to see.

    因為有D連个餡都乾硬晒?我想咬落軟D,有冇辨法? no need to fry so long then, how long to cook it all depends on how much juice is the fresh pineapple, so you have to use your own discretion 。

    2.餡:我炒完一次,以為乾,雪完都小小濕,好似唔夠味(bc0s:我唔敢落太多冰糖)咁再炒時加麥芽糖,, when chilled, the 餡 becomes less sweet; adjust own timing.

    Sorry have to answer in English as I am in office. It might be easier if you go to my yahoo blog to leave your questions as I might miss this blogspot sometimes...

    Good job, I am sure you will succeed!

  20. 您好, 想請問一下, 那套唧咀可以在那裡買到呢 ? 因為我也想買來試試看, 謝謝.

  21. 這是在星加坡買的,是很普遍用來做cookies的模,人地多數是整圓tart,不是roll的

  22. recipe份量可以整到幾多呀?
    thanks for your sharing

  23. With the mold, the skin will be thinner, so you can make about 80 pcs I think. But I am not very sure because every time I make, I make at least 5 batches at one go.

  24. Hi Mommy Dearest,

    想問下曲奇模在星加坡那處有售? 有沒有地址呢? 謝謝.

  25. 我找到了,仲有介紹你,快D睇吓我篇“找到了”你就明

  26. Bon bon


    我睇了,太好了,希望妳地個個做出美美的pineapple rolls。

    新年送禮好,加mango colour konniyaku colour 落去,好似黄金,老人家一定中意

  27. mommy dearest, 第一次在你家留言, 我曾於昨天嘗試做這鳯梨卷, 但我發覺那個餅皮很乾呢, 總是不能跟牛油混合似的, 拌極還有很多粉末, 而且, 放入模後, 那個咀給塞住了, 粉糰不能唧出來, 同時更有點粉末掉出來, 不知是否因這幾天天氣頗冷的關係 (約10-15度左右), 我想問拌好的粉糰是怎樣的? 唧粉糰的時候那個模應是垂直的還是斜斜的? 我最終很艱辛地把它做成球形 (因真的很粉), 但真的很美味, 謝謝你的食譜.

  28. Monmon

    Hi, thanks for the message. As I am in office, I can only reply in English.

    As to your query: 拌好的粉糰是smooth and easily squeezed out from the mold. I think it is because of the cold weather, the butter didn't melt. So you should continue to knead more or add more butter till the dough is more smooth. Marble shape is nice too, I used to make them this way, or even as a open cookie type.

    唧粉糰的時候那個模應是斜斜的, and the smooth part should be facing you so when you roll, the lines are outside.

    Hope this answers your question. If you have further question, go to my most current post and ask so I can definitely see your question. If you prefer it in Chinese, let me know, so I can reply at home.

    Happy New Year! Do you have a blog?

  29. hi Mommy Dearest, thanks for your detail reply. i'll try again when the weather gets warmer. Actually i've visited your another blog - the "Yahoo" one but i couldn't leave any messages because i did not have a blog in Yahoo. btw, much appreciated for your answer and your recipe.

  30. Monmon

    You are most welcome. For Yahoo blog, you can just sign up as a blogger but leave it empty, so you can have a password. That is how some of my blogger friends do in order to leave message for me. I tend to update my Yahoo more regularly because I notice not many people come here already, and Yahoo is easily to load pics. Anyway, keep in touch and do let me know if I can be of further help!

  31. 你好呀,我是從香港來的,請問你這個鳳梨卷的唧筒在新加坡那裡可以買到呢?因為以往在香港有得買的那一家己經關門了,很想跟你做,不知你可否提供地址呢?謝謝!請回覆我email, yimyim0620@sinagirl.com

  32. 唔好意思!我同對上果位既問題一樣,請問新加坡邊度可買到鳳梨模?我7月會到星, 想買到.
    Many thanks.

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