时间过得很快, 一个星期的假期就过去了, 这是我逗留在港最长时间的一次 但很值得; 探访爸妈外, 又见到姨仔, 姨丈们, 表姐, 表弟们.... 最意想不到是会与来自三个国家的网友聚会, 太兴奋了
Time flies when you are having fun! This is one of my longest Hong Kong trip in recent years. One whole week and what a fruitful one week I had; besides seeing my parents and relatives from all over the world, I even met my web friends from 3 different countries. What a feat!
多谢各位的款待 希望很快可再相聚!
Thanks everybody for such a memorable holiday and till we meet again! God bless each one of you and thanks for all the lovely food and gifts as well, appreciate the thoughtfulness!
sorry mom, 我漏左你的份, 下次會雙倍奉還ah~~ 希望3月見到你la~~
ReplyDelete你個trip 好充實和好有口福呀! 你食左好多美食, 每次來看你的blog 時我的胃酸就澎漲...哈哈!
ReplyDelete双倍加利息tim :)
短短一個禮拜您做/食左好多0野! 上左磅未?hee
ReplyDelete今朝把心一横,上劈头台,当然衰左... :(