USA is made up of a smorgasbord of different cultural backgrounds; to commemorate the diversity of tradition and history, served up an international meal to mark the occasion of her Independence Day.
Menu: Nachos w Salsa; Pepperoni & Cheesy Mushroom Pizza, Spanish Rice Pilaff with honey roasted chicken and Honey Baked Ribs.

西班牙炒反﹐我很喜歡吃的一道食品﹐今次用雞柳配. My comfort food, Spanish Rice, easy to make and very tasty too.
Adaw 要的食镨:
Spanish Rice Ingredients:
2 cups brown rice 糙米2杯
1 onion, diced 洋蒽1个,切粒
1 can mushroom, sliced 磨菇1獾,切片
1 green and red bell peppers, diced 红青登龙椒各一,切粒
5 tomato, diced 蕃茄5个,切粒
2 cups roast chicken chunks 鸡肉2杯
4 cups chicken stock (maybe less, check doneness of rice)鸡汤4杯
4 tbsp tomato paste 蕃茄膏4汤匙
2 tsp cummin 茴香粉2茶匙
1 tsp garlic powder, black pepper, mixed herb, paprika 蒜粉,黑胡椒,香料粉,辣椒粉各1茶匙
2 bayleaves x叶2片
1.Use 2 tbsp of butter, fry the rice for about 3 minutes, add in onion , mushroom and tomato.
1. 用牛油吵米3分钟,加所有的菜除红青登龙椒
2.Fry for about 2 minutes, add the spices and tomato paste
3.Add in 3.5 cups of chicken stock first, boil then turn down fire to low.
3. 加3.5杯鸡汤,煮滚后改细火
4.Cover the pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
5.Check for doneness of rice, if not done or too dry, add in rest of chicken stock, take away the bayleaves after 5 minutes.
5. 试米熟末,如太干,加鸡汤.
6.When almost cooked, put in roast chicken chunks n diced bell peppers, and adjust seasoning to taste.
6. 要全熟前,加鸡肉和 红青登龙椒
** The texture of the rice should be a bit chewy and the taste ought to be a bit spicy n fragrant.***You can substitute chicken with any other meat or even seafood if you wish. ****This is my modified version of Spanish Rice, very easy n fast to make

用Mabel的芝心pizza食譜做的﹐老公都讚好。 謝謝Mabel﹗
Nicky & Britney love to eat pizzas, and recently they fell in love with Pepperoni & Cheese pan pizza. Used another recipe last week, but a bit of disappointment because its crust was not as thick as I wanted. Upon Blue Rain's recommendation, I tried Mabel's recipe; what a treasure.... !