grows very fast
this is female flower, the fruit appears as the flower wilts
this is female flower, the fruit appears as the flower wilts
this is the male flower, drops off after it dies
答應妳們拍男女苦瓜花給妳們看,快快看一下是否很可愛?如果Daddy Dearest 沒同我講,我真的不懂得苦瓜花是不同耶,神的創造真細心啊。
See how fast my White Bittergourd grows, in a matter of a month, the whole fence is full of its flowers and fruits. I only hope it really IS white bittergourd as the packet said.
One big discovery from Daddy Dearest: they have male and female flowers and look at the difference via the pictures. COOL, I never knew THAT!
我最愛吃苦瓜了, 有次我在電台中教整苦瓜冰呢!