Wednesday, October 31, 2007

煎雪魚 Cod fish with Ratatouille

這是上星期五老公的20 years Long Service Award Dinner 時,學的其中一道菜,整個晚餐是Fusion Cuisine,所以擺設好出色,名稱都好長好靚,但一句話曬就是煎雪魚,然後用菜來整色整水囉!

Last Friday went to Daddy Dearest's 20 years long service award dinner; after all the nice flowery speeches n a nice fusion 6 courses dinner; I show you now what I learned. Yup, I copied it, and hubby says it tastes better than the one we had at the dinner!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

李伉儷結婚週年紀念日 Happy Anniversary to Deacon David and Cindy


真的,如果有聽過男主角David李執事的見證就知道他們真的是天作之合了。。。沒有她:Ai Choo,David就不會認識到神,他沒有神,女主角就不會嫁給他,他們倆沒結婚,就沒有兩個活寶貝:Ting Ting — Mun Mun,我就沒有個好主內妹妹,咁當然我地教會就沒有李執事伉儷啦,你話神是不是安排好一切哪?

Monday, October 29, 2007

泰式炸雞翅 Thai style fried chicken wings

These are fried with charcoal fire, can you see the difference??? Haaa, of course not... but when you come , I will make for you so you can really taste the difference!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

家有一狗 My doggy Zac

我的名係Zac,有人叫我Zachy或Zac, 是Jack Russell來的,但我性情溫和,一點真唔似其他的Jack Russell啊!我最中意塔在地上,躲在床下底,追雀仔同見到狗就呔,要我去追賊就要想想先!

Haven't shown you Zac's pretty black face lately according to Wai Wai... okay, here he is with his new toy the TOWEL!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

芝麻杏仁戚風蛋糕 Black Sesame seed almond chiffon

今次這個蛋糕是我好友 Ai Choo 的同事特別要求的。。。。

因為上次我給Ai Choo 三片杏仁雪芳蛋糕做早餐,她跟一個同事分享,那位未來媽媽好賞臉的說好食,這樣我的好友就叫我安哥囉,老友叫到無所謂啦,有人喜歡,我簡直笑矇眼耶!

This chiffon is by special request from my friend‘s colleague,hope she likes this new flavor!

Friday, October 26, 2007

日式炸猪排飯 Tonkatsu Don


Have always loved various meat cooked cutlet style,all the crispy bread crumbs and whatnot。 Only if I add in a miso soup, this meal would have been balanced diet, but then again, it does have vege,protein and carbo。。。 oh yes, the missing fruits!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

自煮雞酒 Rice Wine Chicken

不知香港或美國有沒有吃雞酒呢?,不過我想嗒媽一定很厲害這道菜,這是婦女們用來補身的,其中之巧妙是在那自製的米酒上,這樽米酒是好友Ai Choo 的媽媽自製的,要整個月才浸好的,好香好純,有錢都買不到啊!



The most important part of this tonic dish is the homemade wine, now don't ask me how to make this wine because I only have theory and no practical. This bottle of wine I treasure was given to me by my good friend Ai Choo's mom, better than any XO!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

男女有別-苦瓜花 Bittergourd flowers

grows very fast
this is female flower, the fruit appears as the flower wilts

this is the male flower, drops off after it dies

答應妳們拍男女苦瓜花給妳們看,快快看一下是否很可愛?如果Daddy Dearest 沒同我講,我真的不懂得苦瓜花是不同耶,神的創造真細心啊。

See how fast my White Bittergourd grows, in a matter of a month, the whole fence is full of its flowers and fruits. I only hope it really IS white bittergourd as the packet said.
One big discovery from Daddy Dearest: they have male and female flowers and look at the difference via the pictures. COOL, I never knew THAT!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

週末簡單的BBQ Simple weekend BBQ

BBQ's must haves

chicken wings and lamb chop

星期天突然間想起要BBQ,坐言即行,快手快腳整几樣可以燒烤的食物,最開心是可以用Hello Kitty oil brush, 係朝日厨房的老闆娘搭蔡蔡子寄給我的,今次大派用場了,好好用呀。

Whenever I can't think of much to cook, an easy BBQ always comes to the rescue. Easy does it!

Monday, October 22, 2007

越洋的祝福 Oreo Cheesecake


Looks a bit awful with all the oreo bits on top of the cake, but it sure tasted yummy. Use this cake to send a birthday wish to another of my blog friend小胡子 as her birthday was last Friday and I didn't realize it until Saturday!

Happy Birthday n many Happy Returns! God bless!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

雯雯十歲啦 Pamela is TEN today!

cookie and cream cheesecake

don't we look just like sisters...heee

上面張合照是我同寿星女李雯上個星期天在我家影的,似唔似姐妹花啊?邊個夠胆笑,好誇張咩?都唔好話她似我囡囡,她媽媽Ai Choo即是我的好姐妹李執事夫人一定找妳們算帳,影衰晒她的寶貝。



Pamela Pamela Pamela, a cutie pie I have known even before she was born. That is right, she is the darling of our beloved Deacon and Lady Lee; one of my beloved Sunday School students.
Actually there is a longer story in Chinese, so if you know how to read Chinese, good for you, for the ones who don't..... heeeee.... just say
Wish Pamela
Happy Birthday, full of God's Blessings n Grace every day of her life, and most of all,
Be a good testimony for God and
Bring Glory to HIM!
Now, don't you wish you studied Chinese more diligently, heeeee.... Yes, I am trying to force SOMEONE to read Chinese, guess who?

Friday, October 19, 2007

花園一角之白苦瓜 White Bittergourd

you are supposed to be WHITE, what happened?





上個月,因為細娜姐寄來的日本種子,加上笨B媽媽,小胡子,愛蓮對園藝的興趣,又引起我鞭策Daddy Dearest 種植的興趣了。。。哈哈哈哈

看一下昨晚Daddy Dearest 飯後巡視花園的新發現。。。竟然開始結果子了,看看我前兩日拍的花,好靚的小黄花啊,咁大個女第一次見咋,好開心啊,但有冇發覺它不是白色的,唔係被騙吧?明明寫白苦瓜o架.....
Look what I got in my garden, fresh and new discovery last night by Daddy Dearest.... YEAH....
The seeds of these white bittergourd don't come cheap, my colleague ordered them online in US and paid a hefty US28+ for a bag of 20 seeds. Incredible if you ask me, but for us who have never SEEN any white bittergourd till we went to Taiwan in May, call it school fee.
White Bittergourd is supposed to be very good for skin and for whitening purpose; it is one of the ingredients in the 5 greens drink that was so popular at one time in Singapore, of course again for health purpose. If you look at the little bittergourds in the picture, hmmm, why are they green?????

Thursday, October 18, 2007

泰國茄子肉燥豆腐 Ma Kong Tofu

Thai brinjals that look like peas
flowers look so pretty, don't they?


Just to play with the name, this tofu dish is a non spicy version of the Ma Po tofu and I added the little brinjal we harvested from our garden. Simple and easy!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

23歲的樽樽 Happy Birthday to Bottle




生日快樂 心想事成 知福惜福 專為妳焗了杏仁雪芳蛋糕,白白如雪,就像妳靚靚白雪公主一樣!

Today is Bottle's 23rd birthday! Use this almond chiffon cake to wish pretty Snow White Bottle many happy returns!

It is through Popo's blog that Bottle and I really got to know each other, and I really appreciate the friendship. Can't wait to see her in Singapore next year!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

久違的晚餐 Nonya Fish




Have been so busy the whole of last week painting, didn't even cooked dinner at home at all. If you have whole week of outside food, you will be sick of it too. So, went back to our dinner routine last night, and this Nonya Fish is one of the dishes we had.

Monday, October 15, 2007

超美麗 Aren‘t they pretty?

bouquet from Bryan
Guess watch from Bryan

lovely swaroski crystal silver set, handmade by Aunty Ai Choo

another snowflake creation by Aunty Ai Choo

diamond earrings from daddy and mommy

square brownie cake by Aunty Nadjah

Couldn't upload all the pictures in one post, so this is the continuation of Babe's birthday blessings!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

幸福的囡囡 Blessed Babe Dearest

Birthday Bash

Ebi Tempura, Sashimi,Oyters, Cold Prawns,Sushi

soft shell crabs

one of the nicest, most moist rack of lamb I have eaten


roast beef, roast lamb and beef ribs on the wagon

dessert spread

Chocolate Fondue

can't do without birthday cakes: Aunty Nadjah's brownie cake and mommy's Dark chocolate parfait with Praline Craquelin


我常教我孩子們,千里送鵝毛,物輕情意重,每一份情意都要珍惜,要感恩,世上沒有理所當然的事,人與人之間的友誼,感情,愛情,親情都是要好好經營培養,不然當你失去時才後悔就太遲了!唯一一種無條件的愛,就是神的愛,或者你們當中有覺得我不可理喻,但這是我個人的感受,每一次我跌倒,祂扶起我,我失落,神鼓勵我,我犯錯,祂原諒我。神給我們每一個人一份禮物,就是救恩,“神 愛 世 人 、 甚 至 將 他 的 獨 生 子 賜 給 他 們 、 叫 一 切 信 他 的 、 不 至 滅 亡 、 反 得 永 生。”約 翰 福 音 三章十六節。所以我最安慰是囡囡已經在几年前接受這份永恆的禮物,我知道,不論她在那裏,她的天父會照顧她的,好安慰啊

嘩,一大堆話就為了禮物,好離題,大餐是契媽Ling Foon 請的,好美味!
It is not the number of gifts Babe received that I call her blessed. It is the fact that her aunties and friends and so many other people remember her birthday that I call her blessed. We must take anything for granted, as I always teach my children. Every person that God puts across a path is for a purpose, we ought to try to be a blessing to other people; just as others are blessings to us.
Babe has received many gifts and all of them are just lovely. Of course Godma Ling Foon brought all of us to a birthday bash that hmmmm will take one week to burn off all the calories. We won't dwell on that as we really enjoy every morsel of that delicious buffet dinner. Many thanks to Aunty Ai Choo's lovely crystal jewelleries all handcrafted by her talented hands; and what lovely creation! You guys go and see for yourself what else she got!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

十八姑娘一朵花 Happy 18th Birthday to Babe Dearest



Babe Dearest 生日快樂!



Daddy ,Mommy & Nicky love you!

Yes, today is Babe's 18th birthday! May God bless her every step of her life journey!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

郵差送來的 Gift from Overseas


唔怪得珍妮仔話當我收到這份禮物時會好興奮,原來寄了這部超美超實用的DIY Bible給我,妳猜對了,不止我興奮,連搶著幫我開包裹的囡囡也呱呱叫,大叫我要食這些又那些,連我的仔仔都快出來看是什麼一回事!

Look what Jenny sent to me from Hong Kong.... so sweet of her, and all I can say is, MUACK MUACK! Really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

韓國牛肉凉麵 Korean Cold Beef noodle

One of the simplest Korean dish I enjoy eating... just use sirloin strips stir fried with Korean Miso paste, pour over cold noodle; topped with all types of shredded vegetables, lovely meal and healthy too!