Saturday, June 23, 2007

偉強生日快樂!Happy Birthday to Bryan

昨日是 Bryan 的十八歲生日,因為一早約好一班好朋友吃晚飯慶祝,我就等今日才補請他吃飯吧。。。一年過得真快,去年也在家開了個派對為他慶祝,一下子又一年了,想到歲月慛人老,都是不要想下去好了。

去年為契仔煮了泰國餐,今年就煮我家小孩們最愛吃的Rosemary燒羊排吧!蛋糕就照寿星仔量身而做的:用兩個布朗尼做主體,中間有黑朱古力Truffles mousse 做饀,外層是ganache,加上白古力寫字,上面是美國買回來的Truffles 做裝飾,簡直是朱古力怪才會欣賞的蛋糕,不要小看這八吋蛋糕,重量有四磅多啊!
Birthday dinner for Bryan darling! 18 years old, wow... must make him a nice dinner and this year will be my children's favorite, Lamb Chop with Rosemary a la Raffles... meaning this is a copycat version. Oh well, that is why I must go to fancy hotel to eat, so I can learn new presentation, haaaa.
Introducing this year's "Gateau d'amour"; full 4 lbs of it. Under the chocolate ganache is two brownies with truffles mousse as filling. The top is decorated with white chocolate lettering and more Truffles brought back from US. yes, not for the faint hearted, but made to measure for the beloved birthday boy!


  1. Bryan,
    Happy Birthday.
    God blesses you as usual.

  2. HELLO!

    Thank you very much! =D

  3. Iris

    Make sure you extend your stay here till Sunday!
