Thursday, June 07, 2007

香港飛來的拌手禮 Flown in fresh from Hong Kong

波蘿包,雞尾飽, 椰絲波蘿

Iris 來探我, 開心開心開心!

還有,Iris專程從香港手提了十多個波蘿包,雞尾飽同我未試過的椰絲波蘿包俾我, 好好好食,食到我好開心啊 ... 還有其他的拌手禮,真客氣

重有網友Mrs Kwong知道我係雀斑Queen, 要我試下云苓加蜜糖做面膜, 遮下我的醜醜面,所以特別送來云苓,真係有我心囉,多謝晒!

So happy to see Iris at my house, and along with her is my beloved BoLo Buns, Cocktail buns and a combination of both, it is called coconut bolo buns, isn't that clever of the bakeries? I can bite into one and have both of my favorite flavors at the same time. I just couldn't resist eating one WHOLE bun right before we went out for dinner, good thing my children didn't see it or it will be a BAD EXAMPLE, heee...
Web friend Mrs Kwong sent me a box of Chinese medicine for my freckles,!ucQC9LeTHhBg2v2WhUking--/article?mid=1511&prev=1555&next=1477 so kind n thoughtful of her, thanks darlings! Really appreciate everything!


  1. 哇~ 看來香港也好多吃的不錯玩喔..........

  2. icecreampuff

    Yeah, so 3 days HK 3 days Singapore 10 days Taiwan... just nice
