Tuesday, June 19, 2007

特別為塔塔已設 For You, Rita

Voila, Black Forest Cake

decorate with grapes and lychee to give it a fruity variation as hubby likes fruits. you can put chocolate flakes and cherries if you prefer

pipe flower patterns on top of cake with whipped cream and chocolate flakes on side of the cake all round

put whipped cream on side of cake, so the chocolate flakes can stick to the side

after layer cream twice, put the last piece of sponge cake on the cream

put one slice of cake at base, put on some cream, put as many drained cherries as u want, then put another layer of cake and do the same

drain juice from sweetened cherries, add about 25 ml of the juice and 2 to 3 tbsp of kirsch (cherry flavored cocktail mixer) into the whipped cream

double cream about 500 ml, whipped till 80% stiff

Trader Joe's dark chocolate, grate into flakes

1. can of sweetened cherries
2. 2 tbsp of kirsch
3. one chocolate sponge cake, cut into 3 slices
4. 500 ml of whipped double cream
Pretty bride Rita, http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ritahsia, is one of the earlier US Christian webfriends I met through blogging. I really appreciate her sharings and friendship, and her laughter is really infectious (yes, we laughed through half of our phone conversation last Thanksgiving). Just a couple days ago, she requested that I write down the recipe and steps while I make my cakes. Well , as I told her before, my cakes are so primitive that it is not worth learning. My decorative skill is really terrible and I have yet succeed in making chocolate fencing because the hot weather here in Singapore.

Anyway, as I made this Black Forest Cake for Father's Day this morning; I remembered Rita's request, so I took some pictures and hope you won't laugh.
塔塔, 您要图文介绍,不要见笑!


  1. 哇! 為了塔塔又再做一個嗎?

  2. 藍雨

    You look at photo already know la, heeee, VERY LAZY AH

  3. icecreampuff

    You WAIT and see, heeee....

  4. icecreampuff

    塔塔asked me to show her step by step how to make cake, so I took photos of every step so she can do one at home for David...

  5. Sophie,
    I have got the pipeapple cookies tonight, Wow...so yummy, I couldn't wait to try the second one , so I ate on the MTR (not supposed to eat there)...Well..it is your fault not mine...hahaha..

    Thanks so much for this yummy thoughtful gift.

  6. 想哭~~~~~~~~~~
    真的, Sophie 你怎麼這樣愛我
    我真的超級感動的 真的是屬於我的蛋糕ㄇ
    雖然我吃不到 可是我會好好學的 老師

    Sophie真的好仔細喔 看得我好像都會做
    不過 我還沒有開始嘗試
    哈阿哈哈哈哈哈 最近教會的事情太多了

    小忙小忙....不過 真的給我很大的激勵
    我真的心中絕得很累 謝謝你 讓我知道

    神總是這樣愛我 透過你這愛心蛋糕
    真的溫暖我....謝謝你 Sophie
    你真的好棒 好棒 謝謝你 神真的愛我
    因著這個蛋糕 讓我的心 溫暖 開心起來

    太棒了 太棒了

  7. Love love love love it!
    I will try my best to learn it.
    hahahahha...you will see.
    After our conference, I will do it.


    love you Sophie, you are the best!

  8. 好好嘗試喔 :) !

    YOU CAN DO IT.... All things worketh well for the ones who LOVE HIM... in all things just trust in HIM...
