Thursday, May 03, 2007

從台灣帶來的伴手禮 Nougats - hailed from Taiwan

牛軋糖, 終於嚐到聞名已久,但緣慳一面的台灣牛軋糖。。。靚女Queenie是我第一個在星加坡相見的网友,還是由澳洲雪梨師母香菇所介紹,太好了,今次她因工作要在本地逗留兩年,有幸認識到她,剛巧她媽媽與她回台灣探親,真有心的送來拌手禮,哈哈哈,不要誤會,我沒有提示說要土產啊,真是心有靈犀罷了。。。

Lovely QQ is the FIRST webfriend I ever met in Singapore, and so far is the ONLY one, heee. Hailed from Sydney, she was introduced to me via the computer by Mushroom, isn't that funny? It never fails to tinkle me whenever I think what the computer can do. QQ just came back from holidaying in Taiwan, and look what she brought back for me. Taiwan's famous Ellie's Nougat.... I have eaten the ones from Australia but first time from Taiwan... the nuts are very fresh and the candy not too sweet.... thanks Queenie for your thoughtfulness!


  1. mommydearest: 唔。。。queenie 可能見到您個樣(爲食),所以知道您一定喜歡吃。。。哈哈。。

  2. Queenie

    Possible possible.. she has been to my house for Christmas parties and other dinner parties, SO....

    哈哈 哈哈哈哈

  3. 我都未食過呢樣o野...:p

  4. 藍雨

    Mabel 有整過俾我食,我中意食澳洲的多一点
