事源很多靚女网友開了Yahoo的网誌,如果我要留言就一定要開一個Yahoo网誌的户口。。。一輪掙扎後,加上樽樽及泡泡茶捨身相助,用了一個下午的時間,白頭髮多了十多條,血壓高了三十度後。。。叮叮叮 叮
Introducing my new blog in Yahoo, please click the above link.
Don't expect much from it though because the sole reason I opened it was to leave messages at my foodie friends' Yahoo blogs. It took me one whole afternoon and step by step instruction from beauties Bottle and Bubblestea to set it up; actually no mean feat for a computer idiot like me.... Yes, I am patting myself on the shoulder, haaa!
哈哈, 麻煩哂你就真呢~~不過當學下新野幾好丫^^
ReplyDelete學下新野係幾好 ,但煩死教我的人啦!