Saturday, May 12, 2007

哈哈啊,我贏了 I WON, I am #200,000

哈哈哈~哎呀,我是200,000人數耶!!!! 第一次玩踩踩樂,很開心踩到了! 偶的運氣好好好啊,好利害哦,哈哈啊哈哈哈啊哈!!! 發了癲的我!

詳情請看 向 200,000 大關逼近... 快樂踩踩樂!!

講真的,因為恩典小家這网誌,很榮幸認識了未來師母 Judy,從她的分享中,學習到仰望神,得著主的安慰及盼望,幫助我更往前,粉感動耶....感謝主,讓我可以跟敬虔的家庭學習,也謝謝Judy的代禱及分享,我真是蒙福,認識妳是我的榮幸!

I WON I WON... yeah... haaaaa, now I know how it feels when someone hits jackpot! Haaa, to find out WHY I have gone crazy, please go to the above link then u get the full answer. YEAH YEAH YEAH...

Anyway, I want to thank sister Judy, Grateful Mom, for all her encouragement and sharing. I really think God sent her to me, yes, SENT, like an angel with wings... heeee... If you haven't visited her blog, please take a minute to do so, the link is above. I trust that you really will be blest by her sharing and testimony...

Thank You GOD, for sending Judy my way, nothing is coincidental, I KNOW!!!!


  1. 就素你就素你啦~!!!

