Thursday, May 31, 2007

老公我愛你 Happy Birthday to Darling Daddy Dearest

In case you can't see it, the blueberry cheesecake at the bottom is heart are the two layers of small hearts on top, mango mousse over another baked mango cheesecake~~

夠肉麻的標題吧! 咁講真,爸爸我愛你真的好抵鍚o架,不是因為他今日生日,我才用花言巧語來tum佢,係真的。。。睇下我連他的生日蛋糕造型也以花來做主題,因為他好中意花草,如 Angfoo 話,"天生綠手指,快樂好easy !" ,不過我猜他快樂,是因為有我和囝囡在他身邊吧,哈哈哈哈,又自誇一番了~~



Wednesday, May 30, 2007

香港拌手禮 Hailed from Hong Kong


Darling Margie hand carried 20 boxes of "Yung Kee" century eggs back, can you believe that? Yes, she did and we sure enjoyed the fruit of her labour. Thanks Margie!

I used it to make Babe Dearest's favorite cold dish - Cold Tofu with century eggs... delicious...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

是什麼東東來的?What in the world is that?



Have you ever seen this before? It is called WINGED BEANS, yes, isn't it cute? After living here for 20+ years, I just discovered this Malay vegetables. It tastes great after lightly sauteed with silver fish, garlic and chilli!

Monday, May 28, 2007

超級大香菇 Super Mushroom

女友從黄山旅行回來,送給這一包香菇,驟眼一看,嘩,超級大的大冬菇,簡直出神入化 !

不是開玩笑,有一個飯碗這麼大呀!我這麼大也是第一次見到。 我用蠔油來炆,肉很厚,口感不錯,一個人食一隻是個大挑戰 !
Have you ever seen such hugh mushroom? It sure was an eye opener for me when my girlfriend gave me a packet of it after her vacation in Huang San, China. WOW, wow wow....
I braised it with oyster sauce and ginger, very yummy and the texture is very nice!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

不見得光的派對 Surprise Birthday Party

Even “Poon Choy” has an adult and children’s version,look at the fish !

Doesn‘t it look like Chinese New Year?

Babe Dearest loves the texture of the abalone。。

When you can't decide on the menu, do it as a smorgasbord!

My favorite part is right at the bottom, dig in

好驚呀,係驚老公知道我今晚預先慶祝他的生日, 唔好會錯意呀。。。睇下食品合不合口味?

Daddy Dearest's birthday is next Thursday, so arranged to have a cosy birthday party with a few family friends to celebrate for him tonight as a surprise. Took awhile to figure out what to cook, so at the end... see for yourself!

Friday, May 25, 2007

開花了 Blooming blooming



Thursday, May 24, 2007

不枉我錫她 High EQ Babe Dearest!


睇下囡囡買給我的花,唔係母親節啊,是因為我朝朝載她上學,現在又幫她pack午餐,所以她說很感謝耶。。。听了真爽,又要更努力的想新鮮菜式來慰勞我的寶貝們了!所以說,“放長線釣大魚“, Bottle, 是真的,哈哈哈哈啊!將軍。。。

Thank God for my daughter who finally appreciates me, haaaaaaaa!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

終於金黄色啦 Blondie blondie yeah finally

回想當初我開始整蛋糕時,每次焗紐約芝士蛋糕,都一定是白臉書生,各大師傅教授百年秘方都無效,最後我愛你寶寶寄來黄糖來出千, heee,真的是令我摸不著理由。。。

一年後的今天,終於從我家的焗爐,焗出一個金黄色的芝士蛋糕啦 ,雖然不是很十全十美,但我已很心滿意足了 。。。

***好彩我家的焗爐無事, 焗不到蛋糕就大件事了***
As you can tell, my oven was unaffected by my kitchen mishap at all, haaa. Yes, churned out what I called the "more successful" cheesecakes for a long time. In case you haven't noticed, all my cheesecakes are pale and golden is just not in the vocabulary. Really can't figure out why and even resorted to use brown sugar to artificially make it brown,haaa. Anyway, this one turns out great in my standard, and you know what is the difference? Ignore all recipes' temperature and increased it to 200 degrees and VOILA...
Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

英雄滅火記 Fire Marshal Sonny Dearest - THE HERO

感謝神的守護! 我們平安無事啊!

尋晚放工回家時,囝囝坐在花園看書,悠悠的跟我說,“媽咪,今晚我們要出外食飯了。” 我還以為沒有煤氣,原來是更大件事

感謝主,囝囝因為早放工,所以在家裏,工人大叫失火時,他立刻關閉電源,滅火去也,如果不是他懂得應付,我都不敢想像了,嚇死我工人, 他不懂應付,"好彩o乍!咪真係燒鬼o左間屋".....到現在工人還在說,“Thank God,Thank God”。。。我也一樣大叫

Thank God for His Faithfulness
We are fine, don't worry! What a close shave we had last night. And I know definitely it was God's Protection that the house is ok and maid is fine.
No need to say more, as you can tell, I am fine, and the house just needs a new hob and we are now seriously looking for another place JUST IN CASE, haaaa.... And I forgot to give credit to the hero and God's vessel in putting out the little fire, SONNY BOY NICKY! Yeah, hip hip hoorah~
Albert and Alice, in case you read this, DO NOT TELL MOMMY OR DADDY!

Monday, May 21, 2007

摩西弟兄生日快樂 Happy Birthday Brother Moses!


Today is Brother Moses' birthday and made this Cranberry baked NY cheesecake to celebrate his big day.
Actually his birthday pales compare to his ENGAGEMENT party this last Saturday... yeah, Double Happiness.
Sister Sarah is from a Tamil church, and the engagement service was conducted by her pastor, but our pastor was asked to say a few words of blessing to the young couple.



Of course all party must have fun and we sure had plenty of yummy mutton briyani and other spread!

Can't wait till their wedding and our church will be the one officiating at the occasion... YEAH!!!!

Congratulations to Moses and Genova Sarah! God bless your new family!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

泡泡茶,生日快樂!~~Happy Birthday to dear Bubblestea~~


幸福, 快樂, 主恩滿滿

Happy Birthday, BubblesTea!

It is an honor to know you and hope that you will meet challenges with courage and love. Live each day to the fullest and


Saturday, May 19, 2007

哈日風繼續吹 Japanese Curry Beef Don


To continue my Japanese food journey , a simple meal of Japanese Curry Beef Don and Miso soup.... I think I better don't try my luck for third Japanese meal tomorrow, or they will scream at me again!

Friday, May 18, 2007

哈日风到 Japanese Tonkatsu



There is no satisfying my little brood at home! Just after a FEW meals of Korean food for dinner last month, they already screamed stop stop stop... NEXT PLEASE... Hmmmm, since when have I become a la carte menu? In order to redemn my reputation, I cooked their favorite Japanese Tonkatsu.

Yes, they said Ichiban! Haaa

Thursday, May 17, 2007

孤掌難鳴 Braised Duck Webs

孤掌難鳴,嘩,好似好有墨水咁 :) ! 其實祇此一句,重係甲硬用添,嘻嘻。。。

我好中意食有骨的o野; 好似雞腳,鴨翅等等,鴨掌尤其是我的心頭好,用枝竹加蚝油炆一粒鐘,正呀!

Braised duck webs, easy and tasty, just add oyster sauce and bean sticks to braise for about an hour.... lovely and yummy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

電腦恐龍的新玩意 New Toy for this computer dinosaur


事源很多靚女网友開了Yahoo的网誌,如果我要留言就一定要開一個Yahoo网誌的户口。。。一輪掙扎後,加上樽樽及泡泡茶捨身相助,用了一個下午的時間,白頭髮多了十多條,血壓高了三十度後。。。叮叮叮 叮


Introducing my new blog in Yahoo, please click the above link.

Don't expect much from it though because the sole reason I opened it was to leave messages at my foodie friends' Yahoo blogs. It took me one whole afternoon and step by step instruction from beauties Bottle and Bubblestea to set it up; actually no mean feat for a computer idiot like me.... Yes, I am patting myself on the shoulder, haaa!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

海南雞飯 Hainanese Chicken Rice

上星期,在香港的表姐送來一個電郵,問海南雞飯的做法,我當然立刻回復,後來想想不知道自己有沒有漏掉一些步驟,快快自己煮一次,應該無錯吧。 我是用走地雞煮的,較健康,但雞肉當然沒有肥雞嫩,不過好有雞味和我喜歡它的口感,頗滿意。。。Amy表姐,可以放心用我的食譜了!

Cousin Amy sent me an email from HK couple of weeks ago, asking for the recipe for Hainanese Chicken Rice. As you all know, I normally don't follow recipes to cook and just use my heart (meaning lazy). But since my favorite cousin asked, must reply IMMEDIATELY and just wrote it out in 5 minutes' time from memory.

After one week of no sound and no picture from Cousin Amy (silence is NOT necessarily golden), I wonder whether the chicken rice turned out ok or maybe something was missing from my haphazard recipe. Decided to try it out again using kampong chicken, though tougher (more textue), it sure is healthier than those hormone chicken... Verdict: Satisfactory.

Bon Appetit!
1。 在鍋內放入雞(我用走地雞,任意),注入水到可cover整隻雞
2。 放入一大片薑,三條葱,小小鹽,煮到水滾煮十分鐘,慢火煮十分鐘
3。 再大滾,盖不要開,關火炆多半小時(多久要看雞大細)
4。 熟了拿雞出來,冲冷水十分鐘,滴干
5。 用小許麻油,老抽塗在雞上
1。 洗米,滴干
2。 用鍋,放少少油(要香飯用雞油),加薑,蒜頭(如不喜歡可不放),炒香,加少少鹽
3。 放香米入電飯鍋或砂鍋,用浸雞的湯煮熟飯
1。 用少少雞湯,加二匙生抽,少少糖,麻油,煮沸
2。 試味,要有点甜才對
3。 淋在切好的雞上
我估薑蓉,辣椒 你們懂了,不用我多講!

Monday, May 14, 2007

七彩XO蝦碌 XO Prawns


This is my own version of XO Prawns... my contribution to Mother's Day potluck dinner at my mother in law's house. The funny thing is I made some beansticks with duck web for MYSELF (how to serve this type of things for guests?), and my mother in law LUVed it, and ate it all up, heee...

Lovely lovely, of course I mean both the flowers and the people~~

Babe Dearest bought me this green top and the second bouquet of flowers, sweet isn't it?


Sunday, May 13, 2007

母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day




What lovely gifts I got from my kids this year! Babe Dearest bought me this lovely bouquet of roses and it has words on it too, so special! And Sonny Dearest has been grumbling about not knowing what to buy for me. At the end, he said how about he make his famous egg custard for me... how wonderful! Definitely a nice way to start Mother's Day!

This cake is made for my mommy to SEE through the monitor. Today is also her Lunar Birthday, double happiness indeed! Going to call her later on as her time zone is 16 hours behind.

Happy Mother's Day to all mommies, God bless you all!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

哈哈啊,我贏了 I WON, I am #200,000

哈哈哈~哎呀,我是200,000人數耶!!!! 第一次玩踩踩樂,很開心踩到了! 偶的運氣好好好啊,好利害哦,哈哈啊哈哈哈啊哈!!! 發了癲的我!

詳情請看 向 200,000 大關逼近... 快樂踩踩樂!!

講真的,因為恩典小家這网誌,很榮幸認識了未來師母 Judy,從她的分享中,學習到仰望神,得著主的安慰及盼望,幫助我更往前,粉感動耶....感謝主,讓我可以跟敬虔的家庭學習,也謝謝Judy的代禱及分享,我真是蒙福,認識妳是我的榮幸!

I WON I WON... yeah... haaaaa, now I know how it feels when someone hits jackpot! Haaa, to find out WHY I have gone crazy, please go to the above link then u get the full answer. YEAH YEAH YEAH...

Anyway, I want to thank sister Judy, Grateful Mom, for all her encouragement and sharing. I really think God sent her to me, yes, SENT, like an angel with wings... heeee... If you haven't visited her blog, please take a minute to do so, the link is above. I trust that you really will be blest by her sharing and testimony...

Thank You GOD, for sending Judy my way, nothing is coincidental, I KNOW!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

生日快樂!Happy Birthday Jessie!


Today is my colleague Jessie's birthday! She loves to eat mangoes, so made this mango yoghurt cake for her!
God bless and wish you success in your dieting plan, yeah!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

墨西哥肉丸麵條 Fideo with meatballs


Babe Dearest told me if there is nice dinner at home, she wants to pack some for her lunch the next day in school. Guess after one year of eating at the school cafeteria, she has finally gotten tired of the food there. Of course I asked her what she considers "nice" enough to pack for lunch and immediately she said Fideo.... AIYO, I just made that for her party last Saturday, so soon? Never mind, I just change the chicken to meatballs, that should do it.