Monday, August 20, 2007

一日一夜的紅豆沙 Red Bean Soup

我不說你都不會信,這碗紅豆沙用了一晚的時間去soak,其實是好正常,但多數soak過夜的紅豆很易煮到開,之後變沙。。。錯了,一早起身煮兩個鐘頭後,打開一看,水同豆一窩,哎, 真素沒辦法啦,我要用來招待大娜姐和Iris啊,怎麼辦???

好我早起身,還有時間,趕快用明火搞搞搞,煮煮煮。。。另煮西米,沒有放果皮,因為不知Iris可不可以食,煮煮煮,終於可以嘍, 挖哈哈........... !
Sago Red Bean Soup.... dessert for Iris and Angfoo... Would you believe that it took almost 24 hours to get this done? Yes, long story and just take it from me, don't believe that it only needs to soak overnight and it can be done FAST, NO WAY!


  1. daddydearest 話好似紫米露.
    紅豆沙, 好好味啦.
    你知我細食, 所以食得不多.

    我星期六去睇樓啦, 已交給主, 主去處理好了.
