Friday, March 30, 2007

香港之旅 (三之下) Hong Kong trip - Day 3 part III

川椒雞, saute broccoli & fish fillets

yummy appetizers

期待已久的約會。。。。本來今晚是同三個新网友Amy ,Angfoo,及 Iris 見面,尤其是我老公,要見他的偶像 Angfoo,不知為什麼,自從他看過Angfoo的blog後,常說他直覺覺得我和Angfoo好似,好心啦,人地寫得咁好,這樣講真是大侮辱呀,對不起呀, Angfoo。

可惜緣慳一面,因為网聚那晚她要去一個婚宴,而不巧Amy的媽媽也入了醫院,所以衹和美女佳麗三號Iris見面。。。 Iris簡直同我想象中相差好遠,雖然我知她很好人,熱愛主,又幫助人有同情心,但當我見到她那麼樸素大方,穿著打扮都不像我心目中的會計師,又好健談,我們可說是一見如故,感謝主讓我認識一個好姐妹(妹),也因為Iris認識到Amy 和 Angfoo,真是神的恩典。

Iris 請我們去Pepper House吃晚飯,好好味,最開心是席中Amy同Angfoo打電話來,同她倆講電話時像老朋友一樣,笑聲滿佈,好期待下次有幸相見,當然老粉絲Daddy可同Angfoo相談,make his night。。。哈哈哈哈。。你地去看我們許食了什麼吧,唔好走寶。。。


The dinner Daddy Dearest and I had been excitedly anticipating for : my three new web friends Angfoo, Amy n Iris ; but at the end, only met pretty Iris. Cannot say I am truly totally not disappointed because I have wanted to get to know Amy and Angfoo, but I was DELIGHTED to meet sister Iris and shared about her vacations in Japan and Sydney and most of all her vision! We chatted n chatted n just shared about what God is doing in her life n her fervancy for serving God, what a good testimony Iris was, thank you dear!
All is not lost, Angfoo and Amy called during our dinner time and at least we got to talk for awhile. Daddy Dearest at least get to talk to his idol blogger Angfoo n so delightful. Take care gals, hope we can meet in person one day.

Remember, in all things rejoice in the Lord, look upward, God IS FAITHFUL!
Iris took us to Pepper House Restaurant to have dinner, what a quaint fancy place. Even the chopsticks rest is in shape of a red pepper; the food was tasty, we had Chilli KongPo chicken, Saute broccoli and yummy fish fillets! What a lovely meal! Time flies when you are having fun, Iris' bedtime is near, so we made it a night at around 9+pm. Just to show you what a great hostess Iris is, she even brought us to the restrooms in Sogo before we waved our farewells right at the toilet door!

Haaaa..... Really enjoyed meeting all of you; Iris in person, Amy and Angfoo via the handphone. Even the laughters in your voices make us feel like good friends! Remember to come and visit us, our garden awaits all of you!


  1. 我都好高興有機會識到您地呀,您淋下,唔同圈子而且住係世界唔同的地方都可以識到,好神奇哦 ~

    下~!我這麽有幸跟mommydearest 相似??哈哈。。。簡直破壞左您形象啊~~~~~哎,daddydearest 見了我之後肯定同他所想的差10丈8000釐呀。。。。似mommydearest? 我都想呀 ~~甘靘~~ 哈哈。。。個日daddydearest 同我通電話的時候,話您地影緊相搞到daddydearest 語無倫次,原來您地影他 ~~ 哈哈。。。。

  2. 望穿秋水, 終於望到, 到我出場啦
    我係三号佳麗呀, 四号係 angfoo
    係咩我好樸素? 應該都係
    各位, 最後那張相係 daddydearest 拚死給我們拍的, 他首先要跑過去對面馬路, 然後再快速拍攝, 高手呀

  3. angfoo


    我們不要so modest,就說我們一樣是美材女吧! 哈哈哈哈,笑屎隔離了!

  4. Iris


  5. 嘩吓 !
    清新美麗 !
    多謝哂 !
