Saturday, March 17, 2007

牛油曲奇餅 Butter cookies

The pattern of the cookie looks like the flowers on the tablecloth, don't you think so?

前一排見Lazy Cat 和 Wing Wing 整曲奇,引到我口水都流晒,結果都是整了,要提醒自己不可以食太多,肥屎啊!xp

Can't resist temptations from Lazycat and other web friends who had been posting lovely cookies on their blog. I will just keep reminding myself: you are on a diet, you are on a diet....! Hope it works... hey not too bad, i only ate 4 or 5, or was it 6 last night when it was still warm. Who is counting anyway?

butter cookies:
flour 320g
cornflour 125g
butter 250g
icing sugar 125g
egg yolk 1
salt one pinch

Bake at 180 degree for 15 minutes (varies depending on oven heat)


  1. 唔怕啦,您還是這次回來香港之後先減啦,如果唔係,您返到來有甘多好嘢食,您一定前功盡廢 ~ 哈哈

  2. they look great.

  3. 係ah, 真係唔可以食咁多ga, 好多牛油~~

  4. alice

    they taste quite good, only my oven temperature is erratic... have to check the colour of the cookies to determine crispy enough or not.
