Tuesday, March 27, 2007

香港之旅 (一之下) Hong Kong trip - Day 1 part III

Famous Teochew braised duck and pork platter

Braised Belly Pork with preserved vegetables

yummy chicken fillet stirfry

Kang Kong with Prawn paste

Saute beef fillet with kailan

Fish fillet hotplate

Crispy sesame seed salted chicken

Cashew Nut paste

Yam paste with Ginko nuts


想當年,Amy 表姐是我的啟蒙老師,教導有加,讓我得益不少; 尤其是在管教小孩, “寵就是害了他們”,真的,我極贊同。有次我和小孩們回港,她還說我“青出於藍”,夠嚴厲吧,嚇死好多人啊!如果我的孩子像她的兒子那麼乖巧有禮貌,我就謝天謝地了。 不用緊,我會繼續努力,神會給我智慧和力量去馴服那兩隻馬騮的,哈哈啊啊!


Before I left Singapore, Cousin Amy already emailed and booked us for dinner upon our arrival. How nice to have a good chat, esp my last trip was so rushed and didn't have time to really meet up.

I still remember when I was young, Cousin Amy was my "role model n teacher n mentor" all rolled in one; not only academically but more on behavior and discipline, haaa. I sure benefitted a lot and really appreciate her friendship, kinship and care throughout the years. I still remember her famous motto:" to spoil a kid is to destroy him forever". I totally agreed and I can say I TRY very hard to follow her footstep in this area. Many years ago, I remember Cousin Amy ever mentioned that I am even more strict with my kids than her... how can it BE?

Only one thing I hope is that I hope my children can turn out like her son; so well mannered and just GOOD.... how envious! Never mind, I will continue to work hard in this area, I am sure God will give me wisdom to guide my kids EVENTUALLY, haaa!

Thanks Amy, Raymond and Ming Ming for your hospitality! CC loved the Teochew and Hakka food that we had that night.... Don't forget to come and visit us and eat the BEST Bak Kut Teh here!


  1. 仲未輪到 包包山 ?

  2. 原來你去了潸客

  3. 藍雨

    Wait Wait, day by day, meal by meal ah.... heeee....

  4. Iris

    It is the other branch at North Point Kian Wai Plaza.

  5. I reli want to eat now.. even right now is midnight.. I'm流緊口水.I want to go back HK...唔制呀!!!

  6. Winpooh

    heeee, go back again to eat lor

  7. 我bookmarked 左呢篇make sure 要去試呀!

  8. Angfoo


  9. So much food!!!

    Ming Ming looks like Cousin Amy. Have not seen him since he was a toddler.
