Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ai Choo 生日快樂!Happy Birthday to Cindy

今日係我主內妹妹,李執事夫人,Ai Choo,的牛一。。。如果她知道我這樣叫她,一定駡屎我。




Today is my sister in Christ n good friend Cindy's birthday! Just to let you know that she is YOUNGER than me,much younger, and very capable too. This Deacon's wife has to multi task and plays many roles at home, at work and at church, and she performs them beautifully, and WE of course thank God for HER very much. It is definitely not easy to be a wife, a mother, an employee, a teacher , a disciplinarian and even a deacon's wife all at one go.
Cindy has two beautiful daughters and one day when they get married I KNOW I am very old liao, as it only seems like yesterday that her younger daughter was born. AIYOOO, I must be aging, noticed that I am so naggy even when writing my blogs, heeee...
Wish Cindy
Many blessings from God and may the Lord guide you in every footstep and every way!

Friday, September 28, 2007

温馨的拌手禮 Cross countries gifts

期待已久的日子終於來到,下午在辨公室收到來電,一聽那甜美的笑聲,就知道Purple Irene 愛蓮已到達新加坡,她還給我一個喜訊,說晚上要上我家,因為有“食物”要速遞。。。我心花怒放的說太好了,回想都覺不好意思,那麼的饞嘴耶,不過這是真情流露啊。。。



遲下會報告我們晚餐之約同babe Kylie,好可愛的baby啊!

My webfriend Purple Irene has come to town! Long awaited for arrival has finally materialized, so happy to hear her cheerful voice when she called me once she arrived in Singapore。 Can‘t wait to see her and apparently she was keen to see me ASAP。 Don’t think it is because of my beauty ,actually my two gourmard teachers have asked Irene to deliver something to me。 GUESS WHAT?

Adaw sent her world famous bit size lotus paste mooncake with egg yolk, and Bees sent her popular custard mooncake with egg yolk in Pooh shape besides other stuff。 What a wonderful surprise!Not to forget the useful grater and lovely cake moulds that Irene bought for me from HK. SO nice and definitely will be well used。

I also had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Kylie baby in person, and will report on our dinner date once that is over!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

好友21週年结婚纪念日 Mark & Sherry's 21st Wedding Anniversary

Mark 同 Sherry 是我從教會認識的好朋友,不知不覺又是他們的结婚纪念。。。看看我周圍朋友的n週年紀念,好容易就想到我的年齡了。。。唉,唯一的安慰是。。。我越來越成熟,高貴大方,善解人意。。。夠了,夠了,以上的形容詞全是我之夢話,唔好投訴呀

祝福恩愛的Mark & Sherry

Another loving couple's wedding anniversary... how nice!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

福到 The return of BATMAN


If you don't like crawlies and small animals, please don't look! This little thief really can send shivers down you spines. Yes, this bat was caught red clawed in having a feast on my first ripened and nice and juicy mango. How long I have waited for this first fruit and ARGH.... it is in its tummy, and the bat didn't even thank me for it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

人月兩圓之日 Happy Mid Autumn Festival

"2006 年 10 月5 日,拍拖 10 週年。2006 年10 月6 日 (中秋佳節),踏入第 11 年,我們結束愛情長跑,在這人月兩圓的日子,我們結婚了~"





Today is Mid Autumn Festival which is also my webfriend, Madam Wong's one year wedding anniversary!

So romantic to get married on this romantic festival and if you read her romantic history, ooo, it is just like a novel, heeee....

Wish all of you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and have a nice day in celebrating with your family!

Monday, September 24, 2007

砂煲雞飯 Claypot chicken rice

美其名是雞飯,但我祗喜歡食它的配料;臘腸,潤腸,咸魚,冬菇同雲耳是也, 唔好忘記加好多辣椒同老抽啊!
Which part of this claypot rice do you like the most? For me, I love the Chinese sausages, and the only reason why I make this from time to time for dinner, heee... No need to tell me about the fat and calories, I know ....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 Mid Autumn Festival








當然我地大人醉翁之意不在酒,談天聚舊最高興 ,希望月亮賞臉出來現身啦!

Another year has flown by and Tuesday will be Mid Autumn Festival! Imagine after eating the mooncakes, Thanksgiving will be round the corner, then Christmas, and voila 2008 here it comes!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Wai Wai 生日快樂! Happy Birthday to Jeffy

今日輪到靚靚网友Jeffy生日!不要講多....muack, muack...



Believe it or not, today is the THIRD J's birthday, and it is beauty JEFFY's birthday! Not arranged by me, let me see if another John or someone J for tomorrow, haaa...
Anyway, God bless you Jeffy, and YES God LOVES you as He always does... remember that!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

珍妮仔,Jerome:生日快樂!Happy Birthday to Jenny & Jerome

很巧耶,今天是我教會弟弟和我新网友珍妮仔的生日! 認識珍妮仔是緣於鳳梨卷,很妙啊!希望她早日來新加坡探我,我就可以再做這焗芝士蛋糕給她了,每次都是越洋的蛋糕,我也粉拍謝耶!



Last year today I celebrated Jerome's birthday, and this year today I have one more new friend whose birthday falls on TODAY! And it is my blog friend Jenny. Our "acquaintance" started with my pineapple rolls, and hope that like the flourishing beautiful pineapple flowers, may our "acquaintance" flourish into a real "friendship"! Jenny, you can only see this cheesecake I made for both of you; when you come to visit me, I promise I will make you a REAL one! COME AND GET IT!

You noticed both the birthday girl and boy's name starts with J? So, should I call it DOUBLE JOY???? Haaaa....

May God bless you, Jenny and Jerome, today and everyday !

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

好友二十四週年結婚紀念日 Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary to Pauline & Allen!



其實人與人之間的相處是個大學問,如聖經說,“愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈;愛是不嫉妒。愛是不自誇,不張狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒,不計算人的惡,不喜歡不義,只喜歡真理,凡事包容,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。”哥前13:4-7 一點都不易啊!

我覺得最重要是凡事包容,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。。。give and take!
Pauline 同 Allen,祝福你倆

24 years is not a short span of time,and when you are talk about 24 years of marriage,lots of young people will exclaim, “REALLY?”!
Yes, really, strange as it maybe in nowadays society, but it is possible。 In I Cor 13:4-7, it taught us what is Love, "Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, does not boast ....Beareth all things, Hope in all things and patience in all things..." If we can follow that, no marriage will be a problem I am sure. It is a lot of give and take, but hey, which relationship isn't?
Pauline & Allen,
May God bless you and your marriage with more 24 years to come!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

花園一角 Chilli Plants


加映Daddy Dearest 深夜收成他心愛的bilinbim,好大串又大粒,今晚做了我們的晚餐,感謝神的賞賜,是耶,樹上的果子也是天父的啊!

Can you see those tiny little capsicums on the little plants? Yes, they are adult size and ready to be eaten already. Isn't it amazing? The other pot is the Chinese version of jalapeno... eat one and you can fly....

Guess what CC was doing last night at 10pm? He harvested the bilinbim sour fruits for tonight's dinner. So satisfying to see God's blessings even on the trees and plants around us!

Monday, September 17, 2007

韓國泡菜 Kimchi a la MOI

Remember, you can add whatever you want inside

of course if you like it spicier, you can add more of the chilli powder and chilli paste

as easy as ABC

很久沒有弄泡菜,剛有网友問韓國菜肴的食譜,我就為她拍下淹泡菜的懶人板過程,我做菜是出了名的走捷徑short cut,非常草根耶,所以Adaw,Bees,和塔媽大師傅們不要見笑,我的宗旨是吃得開心就好。。。
Just so happened I bought some baby cabbages yesterday and this morning saw that someone asked about my Korean dishes recipes at the blog. Oh dear, I am not famed to follow recipes and so... Anyway, one of the most basic of any Korean meal will be Kimchi. This version is an easy to make and fast to eat one which I have done for the past year. As my friend Mrs Lee said after I gave her a bottle, my kimchi is even more like kimchi than the ones her Korean students brought back for her from Korea. Haaaa, of course it is impossible, nevertheless, kimchi is something that you can add what you like, the basic ingredients for the sauce are there... enjoy!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

南瓜芝蔴戚風蛋糕 Pumpkin sesame seeds chiffon cake

Pumpkin, pumpkin pumpkin... imagine my garden will have its own pumpkin patch in time for Halloween... of course I won't waste it on making Jack O lantern, but put them to good use which is in my stomach. Start to practice a few pumpkin dishes so won't waste any that grow in my garden.
The first one is this Pumpkin sesame seeds chiffon cake, roasted one normal pumpkin in the Weber and the pumpkin turned out so sweet. Very nice combi with its pulp and sesame seeds; wonder what else I can add in to make it more extraordinary!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

南瓜三遷 Japanese Pumpkins moved house again



If you follow all my posts, I am sure you realize this is the third time these two plants have moved house。 If it is in terms of human beings, we call it upgrading here. Maybe from HDB to a condominium to now landed property for my hubby's beloved Japanese Pumpkins. But for the radish's own well being, they moved to a bigger unit to avoid snails...
The plants better turn out well in three months or all the effort Daddy Dearest put in comes to nought. But then, can't blame the plants if they don't turn out, right???? Heeee
Stay Tuned!

Friday, September 14, 2007

猜猜是什麼 What in the world is THAT?

放在碟上我都有些怕怕,好黑呀o的醬油,但食下去就當然很不錯 ,這是這兒叫的魯肉(lo bak),多數是用一塊荷葉包來包住食,但我就鍾意配粥或飯 汁甜甜的,是用五香香料,老抽,冰糖煮一兩小時 ,因為我喜歡硬身一點的,所以一小時就上枱!

Don't they just look AWFUL? I think so and I am the one who eat it. But as they say, Look is DECEIVING, and this applies to this dish of braised pork, which we called Lor Bak here. Normally people eat it with buns, but I like to eat it with plain porridge or rice. Cooked it with 5 spices, dark soy sauce and rock sugar for about an hour or two; the gravy is heavenly...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

蒜粒紅蘿蔔四角豆炒牛蒡絲 Burdock with assorted vegetables

為了我健美的身段,希望我食完這些食療後可以健美啊 ,我就要學笨B媽媽食多些牛蒡,湯完就炒吧

這碟是蒜粒紅蘿蔔四角豆炒牛蒡絲,用少少辣椒同豉油來調味,成品比我想像中好,老公話可以安哥 ,耶!

In order to keep my "perfect" figure... ahem.... I hope you know I am being sarcastic now...; I have to keep track of my healthy intake of my favorite...FOOD. Sounds so obvious that I shouldn't even write it down, but I AM trying really hard to convince myself that all the effort is worth it..... HAAAAAAAA.......

It really isn't that bad at all, look at this assorted vegetables dish with burdock as the star, really tasty and healthy; just used a bit of chilli, garlic and soy sauce as seasoning.

Dig in!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

咖喱魚蛋魷魚 $2 fishballs please

好好好喜歡咖喱魚蛋豬皮魷魚...。 yee....唔記得我心愛的豬皮.....不要緊,下次啦。。。

一路食一路都好開心,當然愈多咖喱愈岩我,可是細路唔可以食咁辣...唔緊要, 唔理辣唔辣, 我一樣照食食食食!

噢!! 真係鐘意 鐘意 好鐘意到癲既!

This used to be one of my favorite recess snack during my primary school days in Hong Kong. Until now, I still love this curry cuttlefish and fishball dish and of course with pig skin if possible. Another good excuse for childhood memory, yeah!

Monday, September 10, 2007

泡菜蜂巢豆腐 Kimchi Beehive Tofu Pot

上星期看到Mui Mui 狂想Cook 网友介紹的泡菜蜂巢豆腐,一睇就愛上它,因為我整家人都是泡菜豆腐煲的擁護者,



多謝Mui Mui 好介紹!
Most of you know my whole family LUVS Kimchi Tofu Pot a la LA! When I saw Mui Mui's BEEHIVE TOFU, wow, must try it out. Never heard nor tasted this before, and amazingly easy to make; just freeze the fresh tofu and one day before you cook, take it out to defrost in the fridge and squeeze out the water. The result: a spongy tofu that absorbs all the gravy when you cook it. INGENIOUS!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

冰皮奶皇冰皮月餅 Custard Snowskin Mooncakes


本來今年無打電算整冰皮月餅,可能舊年整得太多,想起都怕怕 ,但老公上星期已問我何時整月餅,我隨便說可能不做,不知他聽唔聽到,咁前天又舊事重提,話我整的好食過外面買的,咁捧場就整少少俾佢食啦!


Don't ask me why, I just didn't have the mood to make mooncakes this year. Maybe due to last year's mass production craze and a bit tired of it. Surprisingly, Daddy Dearest asked me last week when I will be making mooncakes for him and his colleagues. I muttered about not making this year, and guess he didn't hear it or pretended he didn't. Anyway, he asked again couple of days ago..... to make the long story short, here they are.

I used my two teachers, Adaw and Bee's, recipes for the custard and snowskin. What a great combination! Hubby says it is the greatest mooncake he has eaten for a long time, what exaggeration! Alas, never decline a compliment especially from my beloved!

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

花園一角 New saplings by Daddy Dearest

Japanese pumpkin

Japanese Tomatoes

Japanese Radish
Hopefully in months to come, we will get to eat the fruits of Daddy Dearest's labour. And of course not to forget Fiona's thoughtful gifts, flown all the way from Hong Kong. The seeds were bought in Hokkaido when she went there for holiday, and how sweet of her to remember Daddy's favorite pastime in the garden.
Well, I hope by the time Fiona comes over to visit us this year end, she will get to eat some of the fruits of her gift! Stay tuned!

Friday, September 07, 2007

甜酸肉 Sour & Sweet Pork



See those lovely fruits on the tree? That fruit is called "belinbim", something I have never seen before till one Indonesian maid introduced it to us. It sure tastes sour and refreshingly nice and great for sweet and sour dishes. For the diehards like my maid, they can eat them fresh from the tree and enjoy the sour taste, yeeee!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

雞飛狗走 Chicken, Chicken I love you

當我用Weber 燒的香香雞,從爐中飛到餐枱上時 .家中的Jack Russell 狗狗 Zac 就會好快的走來,用它渴望的眼神 ,期待的心情 ,希望分到隻雞脾食 ,可惜,可憐的Zac對所有肉類敏感(祗可食狗干粮) ,所以無啖好食o架,可憐 !
As you can tell by now, I LOVE CHICKEN, just like another blog friend, Jenny, she likes all types of chicken dishes too. This is my all time favorite, not because of the lovely bbq flavor from the Weber, but because of its side dish of salsa and doritos.... BTW, my homemade salsa has made a name for itself in my church circle. I am the official supplier of it, heee!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

櫻花新鮮肉雞 Sakura Fresh Chicken




No anti-biotic, Japanese Farming Technology, tender and juicy meat --- THAT is why you pay MORE for this Sakura Chicken.
Tried it out and I am still wondering it is worth paying....