Sunday, April 15, 2007

充滿感恩和祝福 With Thanksgiving

好開心,真的感謝主,也多謝每位為偉強禱告的弟兄姐妹,神听到我們的祈求。 政府奇跡般地批准Bryan延遲一年入伍,准許他先讀完澳洲新南威爾斯大學的基礎課程,然後才做兵,這是此無前例,連學校那邊也以為不可能的,太棒了! 路加福音1:37說: "For with God, nothing is impossible ",真的,追隨神的國和神的義,神知道我們應走的道路,我們祇要用信心跟隨祂。。。

Hallelujah, praise God; Bryan received the approval for his military deferment from the Government for one year. This allows him to finish the foundation course in U of New South Wales before he goes into National Service. Really it is a miracle...Bryan is the first ever granted deferment for this course, hallelujah..
Thank God for His Provision and we thank all the brothers and sisters in Christ who have been praying for Bryan since his O level last year. Really have learned so much lessons on faith and trust through the whole episode. We know that God gives us the best, even when God's best is not what we humanly wish for; it really is a tough lesson to swallow. But, "All things worketh well for the ones who love Him, according to His purposes".... and in Luke 1:37, "In God, nothing is impossible." Thank You Father for listening to our prayers and pray that You will continue to guide Bryan's footsteps... in Christ's name, Amen.
Congratulations, Bryan ; and with this Chocolate Ice Cream cake, Wish you all the BEST in all that you do, Yeah....