Wednesday, April 04, 2007

香港之旅 (五之上ii) Hong Kong trip - Day 5 part I b

Hey, I thought they are supposing to serve it in a shallow soup bowl with metal spoon? But the milk tea cup is exactly what it used to be...

Ah, pork chop with Doll noodles...
Yucky 麥皮 but it is healthy I guess

買完手提食物就同爹o地媽咪吃早餐,最後機會那可錯過? 經過一輪掙扎,要重溫童年時代的茶餐廳經典早餐,火腿通心粉是也。。。但味道同我記憶中相差好遠,唔夠雞精,哈哈哈。。。

Last breakfast for this fruitful Hong Kong trip. After much deliberation, I decided on my beloved HK Cafe style of childhood breakfast. I still remember the macaroni and ham served with chicken stock in a shallow plate. Boy, whenever I could have that as a kid, it is considered a BIG TREAT. So I brought my hubby to relive my childhood memory....


  1. I don't remember this type of breakfast...hummm

    We have lots of HK style cafe here now. :)

  2. 啊,我都很久沒有吃這種香港式的經典早餐 ~~ 麥皮 ~~ agree... it's yucky !
