Wednesday, September 13, 2006

花园的一角--芒果成熟了 Mango tree



Finally after months of waiting, the mangoes from my garden's mango tree are almost ready to be harvested. Amazingly, a new batch of new mangoes have also formed (see the picture on the left), hopefully in about 6 months, I can harvest them like the ones on the top picture.

This reminds me what it says in Galatian 5:22,23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentlness and self-control." Pray that God will grant me all these fruits just like my mango tree. Pray for me...


  1. Wow, Albert and Eva will be jealous. You can make more mango cakes.

  2. alice

    If I have to WAIT for my own mangoes, you won't have one in many MONTHS if not years. This is a new grafted tree, ate once of its fruits only. It is only about 6 feet tall, hopefully won't get taller.

  3. May God grant you as much harvest as you have in your back yard! You must have a big back yard that you can grow so many different kind of fruits!

  4. Mrs Leung

    Thanks, I rather have fruits of the spirit than any other real fruits if I can have my way; really lacking ah...

    My garden is very small in comparison to US standard, but I am very blessed compared to others in Singapore already :), THank God

  5. 呀~~

    去到大海裡去了! :<

  6. 用來整芒果布甸,芒果慕士!

  7. Wor.. your backyard has so many fruit trees. I want Mango mousse cake and jelly and mango, mango, mango.. hehe

  8. mommy dearest, 我好想可以親身分享你的成果ah~~ yummy~~

  9. ehi.. mommy..

    nice mango...

    how's everything? I still in england and it's hard for me to get online... gosh.. didn't get in touch of any of u guys of so long..I will come back by the end of Sep and will defintely catch up with you guys then..

    take care

  10. Cuteypinga

    Miss you lots, just thinking about you the other day wondering if you are still in UK! England must be getting wet and grey by now..

    You will be back on time for all the lovely mooncakes adaw, bees, tendy, gigimoon and muimui are making. They are just lovely.

    Have a safe trip back and catch up with you later. Take care

  11. 哇 看起來好吃的樣子
    請問Sophie 有幾個小孩呢?

  12. judy

    The mangoes are very juicy, we only had one harvest since we got the tree last year.

    I have one boy (19) and one girl (16), both are taller than me xpppp ! Now you can imagine how OLD I am , heee...

  13. Tendy

    Told you to come and visit me xppp; hopefully next batch of mango will be ripe but surely will have the custard apples..

  14. winpooh85

    I heard from my sister that in LA the Mexican mangoes are really nice and jealous

  15. 望到芒果 諗起去泰國按摩
    請人按摩 食住泰國芒果
    食多啖芒果 繼續俾人按摩

  16. 我愛你

    After you finish your work, better go for a holiday to recharge. You have been working too hard ...
