Sunday, November 05, 2006

圣经传道会八周年纪念 Bible Evangelism Church 8th Anniversary

八年前,神带领我们一群弟兄姐妹成立圣经传道会,为神的福音工作,由Lawrence Ang 牧师带领...不经不觉就八年了! 神的恩典及信诚是多么的丰盛,让我们这群小羊学习不少的功课!

Eight years ago, God has given a vision to our pastor Lawrence Ang to start our church, Bible Evangelism Church. Throughout the years, God's Faithfulness and Providence are just SO evidence and really taught us many lessons in faith.

With thanksgiving in my heart, I wish BEC many more years of spreading the gospel and bring Glory to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!


  1. mommy 你明日生日係咪放假一天呢? :>

  2. 藍雨

    唔會呢! Lunch time, Colleagues having a potluck lunch party for me :)
