明日同Daddy Dearest & Babe Dearest 返美國啦... 可能會少了時間上blog 。。。
一個好消息是我細佬已買了部 laptop,要送俾他最愛(也是唯一)的niece n nephew, 即是我囝囡囉,所以有多部電腦用,不用同囡囡爭了,所以你们可以在此留言,我会盡快回讯的,Tiger 11,我知了,會多o的米奇老鼠給妳看了!
我發覺最近很少朋友來這blog,多數去了我另一個Yahoo家,也在考慮要不要全搬到那邊,不過Yahoo的缺點是只有Yahoo blogger 才可留言,蠻不方便,這兒是雙語,給我不懂中文的家人和一些台灣的网友看的,Yahoo 那邊就是用廣東話來寫,不知如何是好。。。再考慮一下,或者你們給我一些意見,好嗎?
USA, here we come! Today is Babe Dearest's last day of A level, and tomorrow we will go for her long awaited for n well earned holiday! I will try to update my Yahoo blog while in the States, so do go over there to check it out!
Another thing, thinking of closing this blogspot and just concentrate on my Yahoo blog because not many people come to this blog anymore. Most of my HK blog friends go to my Yahoo blog as I write that in Cantonese. But one of the consideration is that this blog is bilingual... hmmm.... if you have any suggestions, do let me know.