Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Babe Dearest 廚房 -- 美式胡蘿蔔蛋糕

Finishing touch late at night after office function
American carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, did the cake and frosting one day ahead

recipe all ready 
yes carrot cake 

cream cheese frosting is the soul of carrot cake 
doll it up 

not bad for first try 

tastes nice 
decoration time

challenge her piping skill 

not bad for first try , bravo


嗱嗱嗱,十年都冇一見嘅奇景,Babe Dearest 一手一腳做蛋糕,當係係送禮才咁緊張啦,唔係送給我呵,我只係做監督咋,有食啲剩餘物資,係唔錯嘅!!