Friday, July 08, 2016

雪梨探親@旅Day 10 - 午餐

uncle was the first to finish his lunch 
all the legs arrived 
rushing to set up his mj table, hahaha
 roast pig was his request too 
Thanks Uncle P for getting the nicest roast pig for us, see you next trip 
must try, right?   
heee, uncle is like a little kid  
enjoying his favorites 
it is REALLY good and crispy 
no, we didn't eat the fat 
ok, let's concentrate <3 p="">

當日係星期日, 全程係為我嘅姨丈嘅喜好安排, 午餐全部外賣 ,食完開枱啦🐥🐥😝😜.