Monday, December 30, 2013

Mommy Dearest 廚房 -- 美式蘿蔔蛋糕

Merry Christmas
Jingle bells 
Noel Noel
basic ingredients 
any shape you want 
bake for 20 min for cupcakes, 40 for loaf 
love the festive plates 
so pretty, right? 
see the difference with and without deco? 
handpainted tree 
Mickey Mouse 
at one glance 

蛋糕真係好好用㗎,做甚麼cupcakes, muffins, loaf cake都得,又可以應節,這個係為聖誕節做嘅杯仔蛋糕, 用啲紅色綠色sparkle粉,立刻靚哂,幾有聖誕氣氛呀。新年都可以㗎,全部紅噹噹就一流 !