Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Happy Birthday my dear hubby Daddy Dearest

Babe Dearest came back just in time
Happy Birthday darling (one of the many cakes in advance, kekeke) , Babe Dearest was still working in HK at that time

Sunday, May 22, 2016


building the nest 

worked hard for a few days 
completed the nest

mama bird in the nest hatching the eggs
papa bird is here (male has black front feathers)
papa bird comes to feed the chicks  
so sweet 


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Mommy Dearest 廚房 -- 薯仔紅蘿蔔沙律

added fresh corn kernels , satisfaction x 100

這個沙律係我嘅童年回憶之一,如果用多啲 Miracle Whip 就更滿意啦 (邊個講我在減肥?) 。

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mommy Dearest 廚房 -- 海南雞飯




Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mommy Dearest 廚房 - 蒸豉汁排骨飯


買到靚排骨,當然要用嚟煮唔同嘅餸菜,食完燒排骨,咁今晚繼續煮蒸豉汁排骨飯,換下口味,唔係Daddy Dearest 會嫌太多重複, 食得太悶㗎 XD。