今次大胆自制几样馅,馅料有:奶皇、奶皇咸蛋,南瓜, 日本蕃薯 及芝麻....结果老公最中意芝麻冰皮月....太开心了!

Hubby is not a dessert person and he only likes lo-sweet food. I was totally taken by surprise when he loved the snowskin mooncakes that I made on Saturday. It was totally out of his dietary habit. Anyway, since he likes it, I made another batch tonight with various flavors to whet his appetite.
Good job mommy. I want to try to make it too, but I'm not sure about when to add oil in since Bees didn't mention clearly in the recipe. Would u mind to share the recipe again with me and your experience? So, how many day will it last? (I meant the texture)
真的? 您的稱讚讓我好开心優!
包括我! :xxppp
ReplyDeleteI know which step you mean, just add the oil after you put in the syrup water to the flour mixture. The mixture should be watery and steam it for 25 minutes.
So just in case you don't know:
1. measure 3 types of flour, sift
2. melt sugar in water
3. add coconut milk to sifted flour
4. add milk into (3)
5. stir, add sugar water
6. stir till no lump, add oil
7. get ready for steaming, use a sieve to sieve through the mixture so no more lumps
8. steam in metal plate under high fire for 25 minutes
9. take out and cool, it seems hard but it is ok. Put it in plastic bag
10.put in refrigerator for at least one hour to cool completely
11.knead for a few times and you can feel it is soft
12.get all the ingredients ready
13.measure 25 g of dough
14.put some fried glutinous rice flour on the side as "hand flour"
15.put between plastic sheets to roll till thin
16.put in ball of ingredient
17.make sure roll enough "hand flour" on the ball
18 dust the mold with lots of hand flour then knock off the excess
19 press the mooncake against the mold HARD
20 knock on side a couple of times and take out
The result should be very nice and soft. You must keep them in zip lock airtight container, texture can remain for 2 or 3 days.
Advise you to take out from refrigerator for half hour before you eat, skin will soften a bit.
Email me if you need further instruction.
ReplyDeleteHaaa, I just wrote for Winpooh in English... JUST this minute.
Who wants to learn from me? I take short cut, dont' have this I use other stuff to replace. No fixed measurement... TERRIBLE
試o下雪 2 日個皮睇o下會唔會硬再話我知...:p
mommy daddy一話好食就出事了, 加碼再整左咁多, 有排食了~~
ReplyDeletetendy, 佢地家實 砰砰聲 食晒~ xppp
ReplyDeletetendy & 藍雨
ReplyDelete留番一個ga, because 藍雨睇o下會唔會硬再話佢知... :>
Gave to 3 friends, so only left a few for daddy n girl girl to eat ...
Thx mommy for your detail explaination. I also will wait for the result of 個皮會唔會硬. If the skin won't get hard for couple days, then I will make it next week before the hoilday.
ReplyDeleteThanks again hehe
藍雨 & Winpooh85
ReplyDelete冰皮报告: 今晚是第二天,吃前半小时从雪柜拿出,一样软熟!
ReplyDeleteThey look good. Should had send some over for us to try.
ReplyDeleteMrs Leung
ReplyDeleteThey need to be refrigerated, 15 hours flight is way too long. Won't want you guys to get food poisoning, then who will bring Nicky to Disneyland xppp
winpooh85 & 藍雨
ReplyDelete冰皮报告: 两曰后,雪柜拿出半小时后有昨曰一半软熟,比酒店那些好一些!
ReplyDeleteToday, I took it out for one hour, PERFECT... yippppeeeeeee... can't believe it. That is the first batch, made on Thursday