昨曰是我好友Liz囡Valerie的生日,他也是我主日学的好学生,所以今天在教完主课后的Art & Craft 时间会开一个surprise party来补贺他的生日.做了个每个小孩都会中意的Truffles Cake给他,希望小孩们喜欢!
Yesterday was my girlfriend Liz's daughter Valerie's birthday. I thought it would be nice to have a little belated surprise birthday party for her during the Sunday School as she is also in my class. I am sure the rest of the class won't mind and share her Truffles Cake.
Happy Birthday, Valerie. May God bless you and guide you every step of your life! With love, Aunty Sophie
ReplyDelete但都一樣愛吃~ :p
试味了,很好味,有杏仁在里面 XD