Another cooking Saturday, rush rush rush! Tonight is my brother in law's birthday potluck dinner, still have one more dish of Sambal Prawn hasn't been cooked yet. At least got the glutinous rice done, one of my favorite one dish meal thing; I think it is all because of the Chinese sausage...
That sugarless sponge cake is for my colleague who has diabetics; as I want to make a tofu mousse cake for her birthday which is on Monday. Needed to do it twice because the first one failed ( I had to try out the sugarless part and failed), hopefully she likes it. Anyway, since I am baking, might as well make a banana cake for the family too; too lazy to do muffins, getting very terrible nowadays :( !
Dear Mommy Dearest,
ReplyDeleteI have seen your kind reply at blue rain's blog and thank you very much for your support!! If you do not mind, I would like to link your blog to mine.
Happy Cooking!!
:> Yves
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasant surprise to see you here Yves! Great pleasure to have you link my blog to yours, what an honour.
I really admire your enterpreneur spirit and have always follow your blog. Your jam looks real good and keep up your good work!
"If you enjoy what you do, you don't have to work a day in your life!"
Take care...
點解你唔買 煮食用o既代糖?
很惊喜Yves竟然到这几一逛,好开心!我很早就在猫网睇她的食食和花花 :) !
媽咪我愛你日日都busy ga la, 點只星期六, 你有無窮精力咁ah~~