Tuesday, September 05, 2006

砂煲鸡饭 Claypot Chicken Rice

对了,一口热喷喷的砂煲鸡饭,再来一碗莲藕汤,人生一乐也!" 你说是吗?

Let's imagine, in the depth of winter, snowflakes flying all over and wind blowing from west to east...what wouldn't you do for MY claypot chicken rice, served with a bowl of piping hot lotus root chicken soup.

Of course you can only dream of it in Singapore, but never mind, dreams can come true. That's why I bring out my ice cube man to complete my dream, isn't he the cutest thing?


  1. Mommy. You have a very good imagination. hehe

  2. No need for ice cube man. You can have claypot rice any day. :)

  3. winpooh85

    Hee hee, I think I should be a script writer...

  4. Alice

    Well, since I am the one cooking it and my air con is working fine; sure I can have it any day, haaa

  5. 藍雨

    Honestly, 好好味, I ate two bowls
