二十年是一段很长的日子,但当你与心愛的人过这二十年时,当然好像一刹那的时段,继续盼望下两个二十年. 今日是教会牧师 Lawrence Ang 及师母 Katrina 二十週年结婚纪念日, 能与他们一同分享这甜蜜的曰子是我们的福份!
献上愛心Sun Melon 慕丝蛋糕,加上无限的祝福,也感谢他们在教会无私的付出,为神工作,带领我这只顽皮的小羊,向著神的国度前进!
Twenty years is not a short period of time, but I guess when you are with the one you love, it will seem like just a twinkle of an eye. Today is pastor Lawrence and his wife Katrina's 20th Wedding Anniversary, what a great testimony!
With this sun melon mousse cake, I offer my best wishes. I thank God for their selfishless work in church; n the zeal they have as shepherds who has to lead a naughty sheep like me... Let's charge forward and finish the race for God's Glory!
Happy Anniversary, Katrina and Lawrence, many more 20 years to come!
hk 而家好多人離婚,
但外國/有信教 的人,又真係好似 keep 得好好咁...
Twenty years is a very long time ar.. I have been together with my bf almost 10 years too.. But I'm not looking forward for another 10 years because I don't want to get old.. ahah