Tuesday, August 08, 2006

古铜色的纽约美女 Brown NY Cheesecake a la Popo

美女的肤色应该是美白或是古铜色呢?真是见仁见智,各有所好。纽约芝士蛋糕也有同一问题,我发觉香港的是棕色,但美国的是浅黄色的。不管应该是怎样,我就做不出棕色的出来。宝宝有见於此,就寄来枫糖,一定有色了,真利害和有心呀! 第一时间交功课先,不然有枉Popo的诚意 :)

Last week, Popo made me promised her NOT to make any more cheesecake till the TIME has arrived, what time? Time that her love parcel arrives from Hong Kong. That was so nice of her to send me all those goodies which you saw in the earlier post.

I asked my maid to look out for the postman and call me in office once it arrives; why? So I can rush home to make my first brown NY cheesecake. The call came at 3pm yesterday, and at 5 on the dot, rushed out of the office and went home to tear apart the love box and look at that magical ingredient. Oh, it is molasse cane sugar, how clever of Popo!

Haven't eaten it yet as it is chilling in the refrigerator, but it sure looks like the ones that all the Hong Kong Leisure Cat friends have been churning out with sourcream and all that. What do you think, everybody?


  1. Interesting. What is on the top? More cream cheese?

  2. hehe~~
    非洲來的 cheese cake!~

  3. alice

    It is common practice in HK that they put sour cream and sugar mixture on top of cheesecake; AND they are brown NATURALLY. Mine is not natural, used molasse X(

  4. 藍雨

    hee hee ~~~ sunburnt too

  5. 呢個充滿友情既靚靚蛋糕一定特別好味!!
