明日是星加坡的教师节,当然老师们应放假一天,今曰全部学校都有庆祝活动,最开心的应该是不用上课的学生吧! Britney每年都会送上一份小小心意给她敬仰的老师们,今年决定送上家制的合桃曲奇,希望老师们笑纳!
Tomorrow is Teacher's Day! It has always been a tradition that celebrations are held on Thursday and school holiday on Friday itself. That translates to two days of no lessons, yippee to all the students. Hey, it is hardwork to be a teacher; to nurture the future pillars of our society, three cheers to all teachers.
Britney had decided last week that she will give homemade cookies to her teachers as a token of appreciation. After a few trial runs, she has decided on these walnut cookies which are low in sugar, healthy and taste great :)!
Salutation to every teacher who has taught Britney and Nicky, your care and concern is much appreciated by every one of us in the Tan family ....