不知不觉又十年,还记得九年前敏敏出世,整个教会为Ai Choo 及David欢欣,感谢主的恩赐;求神继续带领她,成为一个敬畏神,孝顺父母,尊师重道的女孩...敏敏,祝福你!
Time flies, I still remember the day when Mun Mun was born 9 years ago....the whole church rejoiced over her birth. Nathaniel as well, when I first met him, he was only a little kid of 7 yrs old, and now 18...
May God bless them both and guide them throughout their lives and be an instrument for God in furthering His Kingdom.
Happy Birthday, Mun Mun and Nathaniel!
Britney 病病好番未ah?
ReplyDelete未呀,今曰更差,很多痰又周身痛添,多谢问候,你囡囡好忙? :>
ReplyDelete係, today still needs to go to school :(
Chinese A level in two weeks!
Britney咁嚴重ah, 不過佢有發燒所以周身痛唔出奇ah, 要小心睇住佢ah~~
ReplyDelete我女兒今年變左另外一個人咁, 勤力左好多, 所以我覺得佢都幾忙下~~