昨日第二次受Mark & Sherry的邀請去基博浸信会参加他们的Cantonese颂拜,上次是个多月前呀,也是由来自加拿大的黄敏然牧师讲道,我得益良多... 謝謝Mark & Sherry!
整了这个Oreo Cheesecake 加朱古力粒送给Sherry,希望她喜欢这个组合...
Yesterday went to Kay Poh Road Baptist Church for the Cantonese Worship Service. I really enjoyed the Cantonese sermon by pastor Andy Wong, and learned a lot. Andy Wong came from Toronto and is studying in Singapore for a three year seminary course; and has been guest speakers for Kay Poh Baptist Church since last year. So glad Mark and Sherry invited me there when Mark was the worship leader for the English Service a few weeks ago, little I knew that I can learn and enjoy so much from listening to the Cantonese sermon as well.
Though I have been the Cantonese interpreter for my church for the past 8 years, I have hardly listened to any Cantonese sermons. Strange isn't it? Yeah, I count a total of 4 times including yesterday... twice in TsimShaTsui Baptist Church when I was on holiday there in HK, and twice in KP Baptist church. I think God knows that I need some training and recharging, thus He sent me there.
Thanks Mark and Sherry for inviting me there, I really look forward to my next visit there already ! YEAH!
This is QQ.Im from 香菇's 教會.
ReplyDeleteDue to acceptance of ajob offer,I will be relocating to Singapore next month.
As I dont know anyone in Singapore,香菇 has kindly introduced you.
I need your assistance in finding a new spiritual home (church) in Singapore, can you pls recommend a mandarin/english church for me? Thank you ^.^
my MSN: qantas_2@hotmail.com
Sophie... 妳真是每天都有新的蛋糕出籠呀
ReplyDelete很高兴认识你,我己send 了email 及加 MSN, 希望可早日与你通讯