Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mommy Dearest廚房 -- 韓式 Miso 浸三文魚

Miso 浸三文魚

can replace with Japanese Miso or even Chinese bean paste but must be low sodium 

add water and cook for couple of minutes 
put in fillets 
turn down the fire as it is to be poached 
for 3-4 min 
add in veg and take out the fish in plate first , reduce the sauce
Bon Appetit 
easy and fast 
not salty as I use low salt miso

又一個快靚但係家人講唔正嘅菜餚,可惜佢地說 Teriyaki sauce 燒三文魚又快又好食,唉,諗著試啲新菜式比佢地試。。。唉!