Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mommy Dearest 厨房 -- 法式蘑菇白汁

roast chicken w mushroom white sauce 
can go with pasta or any meat you like

cognac can be replaced by any other liquor or either omitted 


雀后,我得咗啦,Mei 話個汁掂喎,咁我就好努力咁寫食镨,苦工呀,全因为妳妳妳🎤🎤🎤🙈🙈🙉🙉😜😝!
Classic creme sauce w mushroom

250g button mushroom , sliced
2 tbsp button
1 tbsp garlic , minced
2 tbsp cognac or any hard liquor
1 cup double cream or crème fraiche
1/2 meat dripping (if available) or milk
1tsp sea salt to taste
1tsp garlic powder
Dash of black pepper and dried herb (whatever available )

1.  Sauté garlic in melted butter
2.  Add in mushrooms n fry till half soft
3. Add in cognac n fry for another minute
4.  Add in cream n dripping n other seasoning
5. Heat through w medium fire till all combined
6.  Adjust taste w salt and pepper

*if you prefer thicker sauce, you can replace dripping or milk with double cream

Voila, bon appetit !