Tuesday, July 15, 2014

VVVIP表姐到 -- Garden By the Bay

great for plant lover




  1. Long time no see Mommy Dearest!! Hope you still remember me. It seems Singapore developed more and more sight seeing points to attract tourist.

    1. Hi dear, I recognize your cartoon profile if not your name, hahahaha.... How are you doing? So good to catch up with "old" friend, hehehe. Yes, Singapore is almost 50% different from 10 years ago with Sentosa being well developed, two casinos, and this new Garden by the Bay. Must say it is really nice and you should come and see for yourself. God bless and keep in touch.

    2. Thanks for remembering my cartoon icon. My old blog name at yahoo is: Ugly Flying Witch. Unfortunately I'm unable to use my old blog name here. Glad I can meet you here again. Love you and your posts.

    3. So good to reconnect again, and how is hubby doing? Summer must be very nice at your side too. Are you still writing blog? I only see your google + but doesn't have any post, kekekee

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it is opened for about 2 , 3 years only. You and Uncle will love it because it is all about flora and fauna.
