Saturday, July 15, 2017

Mommy Dearest 廚房 -- 墨西哥烤雞

Mexican chicken

brown the chicken pieces first, then put on the sauce and cheese and bake at 210 for 20 min till the cheese browns and chicken fully cooked.  The sauce is a cream sauce with lots of onion, bell peppers , pepper, and CUMIN, yes..... I think the cream makes the whole dish tastes fantastic.
the cheese is Mexican cheese (under Veletta brand) , bought it in supermarket, you can use whatever cheese you like.

墨西哥菜餚唔難煮,最重要係放重 cumin , 如果唔鍾意 cumin 味嘅朋友,一定唔鍾意墨西哥餐㗎。