cookie and cream cheesecake

don't we look just like sisters...heee
上面張合照是我同寿星女李雯上個星期天在我家影的,似唔似姐妹花啊?邊個夠胆笑,好誇張咩?都唔好話她似我囡囡,她媽媽Ai Choo即是我的好姐妹李執事夫人一定找妳們算帳,影衰晒她的寶貝。
Pamela Pamela Pamela, a cutie pie I have known even before she was born. That is right, she is the darling of our beloved Deacon and Lady Lee; one of my beloved Sunday School students.
Actually there is a longer story in Chinese, so if you know how to read Chinese, good for you, for the ones who don't..... heeeee.... just say
Wish Pamela
Happy Birthday, full of God's Blessings n Grace every day of her life, and most of all,
Be a good testimony for God and
Bring Glory to HIM!
Now, don't you wish you studied Chinese more diligently, heeeee.... Yes, I am trying to force SOMEONE to read Chinese, guess who?