don't listen to the girls, our way is the best, thus says the boys!

Are u sure you know what you are doing?
Feast of Love Dinner Menu:
Wasabi Prawns
Baked Cod with cream sauce
Teriyaki Asparagus
Baked potato au gratin
Egg custard a la Nicky
如果我話這晚餐好好食,大概你們不會反對,當然如果你們知道是我們三個媽媽的孩子們煮的,就可能猜疑我偏心,但我真的沒有亂講啊,他們有越洋顧問Alice 姨姨全程指導,真是一枝棒的,妳們自己看看評一評!
如Uncledan說,孝心不用日子定位或送貴重禮物,但從孩子們的出力來為媽媽策劃一餐可出酒店餐廳的食譜,這件心意我真的詺記在心,超感動,尤其是看到他們用几天時間plan menu,找食譜,問顧問意見,討教煮法,到買餸,囝囝昨晚半夜先做燉蛋甜品,今天一整個下午分工合作的煮出這十全十美的一餐,唉,我好好好感動,我要對他們說一聲我愛你們,不是因為這一餐,而是終於感受到你們的愛!
多謝你們,Nicky, Britney,Ronnie, Teng Teng, Mun Mun, I LOVE YOU ALL!
Look at what a perfect meal our kids from three different families cooked for their parents! I let u be the judge on how it looks and I TELL you how it tastes ... IT IS PERFECT plus 5 more points for their love roll in one!
Yes Yes Yes, I wont exchange this for any 6 stars restaurant's dinner, thank you very much! From seeing how they planned this dinner, the research, the overseas consultation from Aunty Alice, planning the groceries, check out the cooking method, timing the cooking , n down to presentation of the dishes... I TELL YOU
I am just so touched and happy to see all five of them cooperated and cooked this meal together with joy and laughter, for the purpose of HONOURING THEIR MOTHERS... what more can I say?
I LOVE YOU TOO, all of you, Nicky , Britney, Ronnie, Teng Teng n Mun Mun! What you have done is more than I have ever imagined , and it really touches me more than I can say...